Janice L Chapman
About Singing
& Teaching
Singing: A Holistic Approach to Classical Voice
You can contact Janice by emailing
Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for 'services to music
as an operatic singer and teacher of voice and as a contributor to
research into human sound production and vocal health', Janice
Chapman has a background as an opera and concert singer, and is a
member of the vocal faculties at the Royal Academy of Music and the
Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. She also maintains a
busy private practice serving many international clients, and has
been a pioneer in the multidisciplinary approach to voice in the
is recognized world over as one of the leading teachers of singing.
Her own career as a singer spanned over 35 years, with engagements
as a principal soprano in all the major UK opera companies,
including The Royal Opera Covent Garden, English National Opera, and
in many European countries. In 1975 she combined her singing career
with teaching when she was invited to join the faculty at the London
College of Music where she worked for 8 years before leaving to
concentrate on her private practice. She became a member of the
founding committee of the Voice Research Society (now the British
Voice Association) and has served as its Chair and as a committee
member for many years (Right: Adjusting singer's head and neck posture.)
Many of her singing clients are internationally recognized opera and
concert artists and she also works in close collaboration with
Laryngologists and ENT Surgeons in the rehabilitation of damaged
voices. She visits Australia regularly, where she has collaborated on research at
the National Voice Centre, University of Sydney. Her consultancy and
workshop client include The London Symphony Chorus, The Royal
Shakespeare Company, The BBC Symphony Chorus, The British
Federation of Young Choirs, The Friends of Covent Garden, The
British Voice Association, The Association of British Choral
Directors, and Opera Australia.
Janice is a founder member and a current council member of The British Voice Association
In 2010, Janice was elected a Fellow of the Guildhall School, London.
Read an extended biography

About Singing
& Teaching
Singing A Holistic Approach to Classical Voice
© Janice L Chapman 2013-2023